Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vocabulary Test, Part Two

Hi kids,
You have been well notified at this point of your vocabulary exam on Thursday, March 31st, but here is one more reminder.  I encourage you to make flash cards to quiz yourself, or ask a family member or friend to quiz you.  See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Having Trouble Becoming a Blog Follower?

Note:  You need an email account to follow the blog.  If you do not already have one, consider making one for free at any of the web based servers, i.e. hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc. 

1.Click on the follow button at the bottom of the page.

2. If you have a gmail account click on Google.  If you have a Yahoo account, click on Yahoo.  If you have a Twitter account click on that.  If you have none of those, or an email address from a different provider, click on the link at the bottom that says to create a new Google account.  You are not signing up for a new are simply just creating a log-in you can use in many places on the internet.

3.  In high school, following a blog and perhaps even creating one of your own will be an expectation.  If you are checking in regularly and posting when assigned as an 8th grader, you will be very well prepared as a 9th grader.  :-)

Spring Break Homework

What is your favorite part of The Hunger Games so far?  Post below.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For Those That Plan Ahead...

Tomorrow we are doing part two vocabulary and it's a good time to bring index cards if you have them.  You will have a vocabulary exam eventually similar to the test for vocab part one and it will save you time to make flashcards as you go. 

Also I am considering offering extra credit opportunities to my blog followers....if you have suggestions feel free to share them.  No guarantee I will use them, but you never know when inspiration might strike.

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more wisely.~Anonymous

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hunger Games Tribute Game

I found this game/activity and linked it at the bottom of the page.  There are actually two games and on the tribute version you receive a score.  Mine was 93% and I was deemed "not ready for The Hunger Games."  Hmmm!?!?  Give it a try and see what you come up with!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Study Outline for Hunger Games Part One Exam

Okay kids, this is for you.  Many of you expressed an interest in having an online spot where I could post helpful information and you could ask questions.  If you check this blog frequently I think you will find it to be a very valuable resource.

Early next week you will have an exam over all of part one of The Hunger Games.  Part one covers chapters 1-9.  Here is an outline of what you will need to study in order to rock the exam:

Characters: Know who they are from Katniss-Thresh. (p.12-14)

Symbolism: Understand what the symbols represent all the way through "katniss (arrowhead plant)" (p.25)

Themes: Hunger, desensitization, survival, government control, humanity, and rebellion are just a few of the themes in this novel, but they are the ones that will be on this exam.  Make sure you can identify events that demonstrate those themes. (p.26)

Skills: Identify the skills that belong to Peeta and Katniss. (p.23)

Setting: Describe where the story takes place at different times and events. (p.16)

The exam will be given on clickers and will have 50 questions.

"Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard one makes it impossible." --George Lorimer