Note: You need an email account to follow the blog. If you do not already have one, consider making one for free at any of the web based servers, i.e. hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc.
1.Click on the follow button at the bottom of the page.
2. If you have a gmail account click on Google. If you have a Yahoo account, click on Yahoo. If you have a Twitter account click on that. If you have none of those, or an email address from a different provider, click on the link at the bottom that says to create a new Google account. You are not signing up for a new are simply just creating a log-in you can use in many places on the internet.
3. In high school, following a blog and perhaps even creating one of your own will be an expectation. If you are checking in regularly and posting when assigned as an 8th grader, you will be very well prepared as a 9th grader. :-)
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